Lavender fields of Provence

Lavender fields of Provence


My love affair with France and in particular with Provence, has always had me drooling over the iconic and idyllic images of lavender that you find on tourist information websites and glossy brochures, promoting the lavender fields of Provence…field upon field of perfect blue lines of lavender.

I have always imagined standing amongst the gently swaying lavender with  the warm breeze carrying the beautiful  aroma in the air, the gentle buzzing of bees, appreciating how wonderful nature is and how this lucky we are to have a flower that has so many uses both medicinal and being the base note of many famous scents in the perfumery business!

Don’t leave it too late!

So, having been in Provence now for nearly 3 years, I thought a trip to the lavender fields, whilst they were still in bloom, was more than overdue.

I am aware that there are many fields around the Avignon area but didn’t really want to travel for an hour and a half so I asked my French neighbour Hélène if she knew anywhere a little more local….”bien sûr!” she said “about a 45 minutes drive and you will come to the Plateau de Valensole…it’s famous for its lavender!”

Well I embarked upon some research, as a few years ago, during August, I went to the Abbaye de Senanque near Avignon… images of which, with the lavender fields in the foreground, are much used in promoting the region…. expecting to see swathes of purple blue lavender…little did I know that the flowers are harvested in mid July…and all that was left in front of the abbaye were rows of very sad looking, dry silver grey lavender plants! I wasn’t about to make that mistake again!

Apparently there is only a short window of opportunity to see the fields in all their glory and this is generally between mid June and mid July after which the crop is harvested and made into essential oil.

In search of the perfect lavender field..

So, a few days ago we set off on the route from Lorgues to Valensole that takes us up through the beautiful villages of Villecroze and Aups around the stunning turquoise waters of the Lake of Sainte Croix.

Lac de Sainte Croix

Well, nothing prepares you for the breath-taking sight of the blue lavender fields on reaching the Plateau…just absolutely stunning!

Lavender fields Valensole

Stepping out of the cool air conditioned car I was overwhelmed by the all pervading, warm aroma of lavender and the realisation that the low vibrating noise I could hear, was the sound of bees, which on closer inspection, I could see were buzzing around every single plant. In fact the fields were alive with them, each individual bee collecting nectar for the lavender honey that is widely available in the area.

As a bit of an amateur photographer, I couldn’t wait to start taking photos, I was looking for that iconic shot…you know the sort I mean..a stone farmhouse in the middle of a lavender field with the possibility of a cypress tree thrown in for good measure…all I can say is that I wasn’t disappointed!

Lavender field Valensole
Lavender fields Valensole
Lavender and sunflowers

What a beautiful contrast yellow bobbing sunflower heads and blue swaying lavender.

Lavender fields and olive groves

Farmhouse and lavender field

I found it! The iconic stone farmhouse surrounded by lavender fields!

Lavender field Valensole

Provence…inspiring creativity

Since I arrived, Provence has brought out the creative side in me…cooking, writing, photography and painting!

So although I was happy with my ‘snaps’ I wondered what my attempts at a water colour might look like…so I have been dabbling and have hugely enjoyed creating my very own memories of a very worthwhile trip to the lavender fields of Provence!

Lavender field water colours by Jennie Ayres


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