Spring in Provence at Mas des Vignes…
Spring has to be undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful seasons in Provence. It commences early in late February with an explosion of bright yellow, fragrant mimosa and almond blossom, in the palest pink , which against the deep blue Provençal sky is just stunning.
Provence is blessed with a verdant landscape throughout the winter with its delightful melange of silvery green olive groves, pointy, pencil-like, dark green Cyprus trees and majestic bright green umbrella pines. However the blossoms and fresh greens that herald the advent of spring, make it an exceptional time to visit.
As the sun intensifies in late March, early April, the forests, hedgerows and orchards burst into life as the tightly closed buds begin to unfurl in an explosion of leaves and blossom. Fields take on a golden hue as the wild grasses develop tiny, delicate little yellow flowers.
Gardens spring to life with a plethora of multi coloured irises, the purple ones are my favourite, lilac trees are laden with fluffy blossom heads in every imaginable shade of mauve, all punctuated with clumps of bright yellow French broom.
Even the roses in Provence are already heavily laden with buds, on the verge of opening to reveal their delicate petals to the warm spring sunshine and façades of old houses are coming to life with the first blossoming of wisteria.
One of the delights of living in France for me has to be the kindness and generosity of my neighbours. Jacky is 84 and tends his vegetable garden, meticulously.
In the middle of this ‘patch’ is a splendid fig tree, where he can often be found, during the summer, enjoying its shade in the early evening, after watering his vegetables.
I’ve been the beneficiary of his garden toils on many occasions, ripe juicy figs, sticky, sweet fig jam, delicious earthy but sweet, new potatoes, perfectly formed leeks and the tastiest lettuce you can imagine. His wife Hélène presented me with a bunch of lilac two days ago, freshly cut from their tree….yes spring has definitely sprung in Provence.